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Privacy Policy

Here you can read how we use user data on SDU's website and in our apps.


The use of SDU’s website is completely anonymous. SDU does not register any data that can be used to identify you, unless you

  • order material
  • or by other means identify yourself via our services.

The use of our apps (f.ex. SDU Maps) is also anonymous and SDU does not record any data that can be used to identify you in these apps.

No data about the users of our websites or our apps is passed on or sold to third parties.


SDU compiles statistics about the use of the website to improve and develop offers and services (including the website). These statistics are solely utilized in an accumulated form, for example to see which pages and browsers our users prefer, and never refer to the behavior of a single individual. No data will be disclosed or sold to a third party.

The website employs cookies to obtain the most precise statistics.

Connected in Health

Campusvej 55
T 65 50 73 35
M 25 27 58 83

Anders Christian Frederiksen
Head of strategic collaboration between OUH and SDU
T 65 50 73 35
M 25 27 58 83

This website uses tracking cookies

We use cookies to collect data in order to analyze our traffic. Only necessary cookies will be set.