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On 22 April 2024, a Kick-off seminar forms the framework for marking the strategic collaboration of the two organizations in Connected in Health.

SDU and OUH hold a Kick-off Seminar for Connected in Health

On 22 April 2024, a Kick-off seminar forms the framework for marking the strategic collaboration of the two organizations in Connected in Health. The seminar focuses on four major societal challenges in the field of health.

Odense University Hospital and the University of Southern Denmark have entered into a strategic collaboration to strengthen interdisciplinary research, education and innovation within the healthcare field, and this will now be marked with a Kick-off seminar on 22 April 2024.

At the seminar, there will be sharp professional input from Sigge Winther Nielsen and Eske Willerslev, as well as four parallel workshops, where the focus is on uncovering needs (in the broadest possible sense of the word), which can form fertile ground for research, innovation and education.

Each parallel workshop has an overarching theme in the form of a major societal challenge in the field of health, which the participants must discuss. The four themes are inequality in health, demographic development, clinical prioritization and technological development in health solutions.

After the seminar, the results of the four workshops will be collected in a needs bank on the collaboration's website with the aim of establishing new areas of collaboration across SDU and OUH, as well as with other interested partners from the entire surrounding community.

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