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MedTech Odense

A new strategic partnership between the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), the Region of Southern Denmark and Odense Municipality will provide the framework for future technological healthcare solutions for patients throughout Denmark.

MedTech Odense will become a hub for research, development and implementation of new healthcare technologies. Bringing together researchers from SDU, healthcare professionals from Odense University Hospital (OUH) and companies from the medtech sector creates a unique environment where technologies can be developed and tested. The aim is to ensure that new, proven health technology solutions can be quickly implemented widely across the healthcare system, which will both improve patient care and free up labour for the most important tasks.

A key element of MedTech Odense is the establishment of the MedTech Innovation House, which will house MedTech Denmark’s activities and companies from the medtech sector.

The MedTech Innovation House will provide a dynamic and innovative environment where both new and experienced companies can contribute to and benefit from developments in healthcare technology. This focus on business potential will ensure that the building becomes a centre for cutting-edge innovation and technological development.

Read the press release here

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