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For the benefit of the individual and the society as a whole

About Connected in Health

Odense University Hospital (OUH) and the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) will physically move together on Campus Odense in the near future. It creates a unique foundation for strengthening interdisciplinary research, education and innovation in the health field.

We have gradually intensified our collaboration over the years, but with Sammen om Sundhed, we are putting OUH and all SDU's five faculties in play to influence the major societal challenges. We want to realize gains and synergies across professional environments and institutions for the benefit of the individual and society as a whole, and we approach the tasks with equal parts boldness, trust and respect.

A strengthened and closer collaboration at all management levels and across all OUH's departments and all SDU's faculties provides a basis for innovative research agendas and basic research, mission-driven research and innovative solutions for the benefit of society, as well as a strong community about education for the future.

And we broadly invite collaboration on health. We offer opportunities for new innovative partnerships with public organisations, other educational and knowledge institutions and private companies. Both in a Danish and an international context.

Connected in Health

Campusvej 55
T 65 50 73 35
M 25 27 58 83

Anders Christian Frederiksen
Head of strategic collaboration between OUH and SDU
T 65 50 73 35
M 25 27 58 83

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